Paradigm Law, P.L.C.
Serving Maryland and Virginia
Nonprofit Attorneys in Fairfax
Are you passionate about a cause? Would you like to take that cause to the next level? Perhaps you are thinking about creating a nonprofit corporation. Paradigm Law can help you to determine what nonprofit status is right for you. We offer legal services from formation to compliance.
Nonprofit Formation
There are a lot of issues to think about when considering whether to form a nonprofit status. Paradigm Law can work with you at assessing your goals to figure out what approach would be best for you and your organization.
Obtaining 501 (c) (3) Status
Section 501(c)(3) is the most common status that beginning nonprofits seek.
501(c)(3) organizations receive many benefits including avoiding income tax and facilitating fundraising efforts through tax-deductible gifts.
To be eligible for 501(c)(3) status, an organization must be both organized and operated exclusively for specific purposes. Meet with Paradigm Law to see if your organization is eligible.
Obtaining 501 (c) (4) Status
Section 501(c)(4) organizations are recognized as social welfare organizations, like political action groups also known as super PACs.
Donations to these organizations are not tax deductable. But, as a 501 (c) (4) your organization can participate in more lobbying, grassroots efforts, and even make political endorsements and contributions.
Nonprofit Compliance
Paradigm Law can educate you and your board members about various obligations concerning your nonprofit.
Did you know that you have curtain fiduciary duties such as the duty of care, loyalty, and obedience?
Continuing your tax exempt purpose is key to maintaining your nonprofit status. If you are concerned that a certain activity you would like your nonprofit to engage in does not meet with your mission, Paradigm Law can help to review it and advise you how to proceed to make sure you remain in compliance.
Nonprofit Governance
Not sure how to organize your organization? Not a problem—Paradigm Law can work with you to determine the best practices of nonprofit governance for your organization.
The importance of good governance is vital to any organization. Start your nonprofit out on the right foot by implementing an effective governance structure.
We can also educate you on ways to ensure your board members are all on the same page, and your nonprofit's officers understand what is expected for the specific roles they will be playing as officers of the nonprofit.
Nonprofit Bylaws
Paradigm Law can help aid your organization in creating its bylaws. Nonprofit Bylaws are the rules and methods that your organization follows to insure legality and productivity. There is plenty of room for variation in an organization’s bylaws. Paradigm Law can help you construct bylaws that are right for your nonprofit.